On January 20, 2024, I wrote about my 44th Solar Retun and how the Pluto Archetype will be influencing my life. I also mentioned that Mars will be in Capricorn and will align with my Sun and Pluto around February 11th. The official conjunction of 0 degrees with Pluto and Mars is February 14th, 2024.
This conjunction of Pluto and Mars appears around every two years. However, we must keep in mind that the Mars archetype is all about action. Mars will guide us to take action on our passions and desires. A strong driving force that allows us to move and manipulate energy.
The Pluto archetype is about transformation and regeneration. It is the higher octave of Mars. It is the energy that allows us to transform our desires and passions into spiritual efficiency.
Take a look at my astrological chart for February 11th, 2024. Of the three masculine planets, The Sun, Mars, and Pluto within my 7th house of relationships. I can identify, contenplate, and meditate on the energies of these planets and how they will influence my life. Although, if I were to express myself in an imbalanced degree of masculine energy, I could only imagine the chaos that would be experienced. Venus will also align with my Sun, Pluto, and Mars, which will bring a feminine energy to help balance the masculine energy, but overall the masculine energy will be the dominant force during February.

I have noticed that the required sleep I need has diminished and I do have the ability to sit still (and relax), but I feel within the "take action" mode and "let's get things done" attitude.
Lately, I have been able to channel this energy into my work and have been able to accomplish a lot. I have also been able to channel this energy into my spiritual practices and the excitment that flows through when I travel to an impersonal state and back to a personal state is such an honor and cannot be described in words.

When any of us travel to the impersonal state, we are able to see the world from a perspective that is actually personal. This is why Key 0 is so important to me because The Fool within us all will allow us to experience the joys and playfulness of life. This is only accomplished when we are able to let go of our fears and take a leap of faith and trust in our personal journey.
Here is a review of the masculine planets and their attributions:
The Sun attributions:
The Sun represents Father Archetype. The simplify the expression of this archetype, there are three levels of degrees of consciousness.
1: Inferior Level: Selfishness, Pride, Manipulation, Tyranny, Lack of Vitality.
2: Medium Level: Self-control, Will, Power of Giving, Firmness, Nobility.
3: Superior Level: Soul, Higher Consciousness, Humbleness, Responsibilty.
Mars attributions:
Mars represents Adversary Archetype.
1: Inferior Level: Aggression, Anger, Revenge, Uncontrolled Passion, Impatience, Fear.
2: Medium Level: Combative Power, Initiative, Courage, Physical Strength, Ambition, Daring.
3: Superior Level: Spiritual Dignity, Respect, Modesty, Control, Warrior Attitude, Heroism.
Pluto attributions:
Pluto represents the higher octave of Mars.
The Pluto emanations could be destructive in one's life if there is a lack of understanding.
To healthly express the Pluto Archetype, we must master our desires, dare to overcome our fears (Mars).
If we want our actions to have spiritual efficiency, to be divinely integrated, uplifting and uniting our will
with God's Will (Pluto).
As the masculine energy within us align in February with this powerful conjunction of Mars and Pluto, we must be aware of the energy that will be influencing our lives. Let us take notice of the archetypes and their attributions which can serve us to the greatest ability during this unique time.
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