Pluto entered Aquarius today, January 20 2024, and will stay in Aquarius until September 01 2024. What does this mean to me? Well, my 44th birthday is today. My solar return to where my Sun and Pluto both hover together in conjunction for some years to come. This conjunction means they will talk with each other, the emanations that will be expressed will have Planetary Archetypes attributions which I would like to briefly review.

What are these Planetary Archetypes? Well, I like to use the Qabalah Tree of Life as a symbol, a type of glyph that represents the expressions of influence which funnels through us all and consist of a "stepped down" of energy from the Unity which we all come from as equals: The Source.

Tree of Life

What does the Pluto Archetype represent on the Qabalah Tree of Life? It is Kether, the first Sephiroth which is symbolized as The Crown. This is a powerful Unity which our individuated human minds has struggled to grasp, and it took me many years of studying the works of many Qabalists and the Grades of Rosicrucian Order to gradually come to a degree of understanding on how this energy works.

Tree of Life

Going back to Astrology, Pluto will toggle back into Capricorn from September 01 2024 to November 19 2024. After Pluto re-enters Aquarius, Pluto will stay in Aquarius until the year 2043. As we are all contributing to a collective consciousness in cultural environments, changes are inevitable to come this year (and the next 19 years) in ways of, "out with the old and make room for the new." I think of layers such as the past 50 years has become the bedrock for the next 50 years.

I am a cusp of Aquarius and Capricorn born exactly on the 0 degrees, 7th house. What does this mean? Well, it means "in simple terms" that I can toggle both being an Aquarius and Capricorn personality. I've lived long enough and gathered enough experience for me to reflect on to see how I played this out in my life. Let me begin with a description of Aquarius and Capricorn. Then, I will speak about the attributions of an Aquarius/Capricorn cusp in the 7th house.



Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and along with Capricorn and Pisces, increasingly universal in orientation. It is the third and last air sign which is ruled by the explosive planet Uranus. Aquarius symbolizes advanced thought, which takes us out of our physical state and allows us to view the infinite in all things. Aquarius also represents acceptance of all points of view and shows the universal wisdom inherent in thoughts and actions.

Aquarius brings clear truth and eternal wisdom of which we may all partake. With Uranus as the ruler, there are erratic motions and is powerful enough to break down any resistance. Its energies must be tamed and guided in the proper direction without dulling their impact. Aquarius teaches the values of science and extrasensory powers, signifies the new millennium that we are entering in with our world is being transformed. Aquarius may be seen as an evolutionary stage between Capricorn and Pisces that transmutes aspiring, earthy and pragmatic energies into diffuse watery and otherworldly ones.

As for the Aquarius personality, there are characteristics of increasing detachment from earthly life as well as a childlike, somewhat fun and interesting expression, but also with a wise attitude. The highly accepting orientation of the Aquarian transcends material restrictions or limitations. However, the rulership of Uranus lends an unpredictability, eccentricity, and erratic quality to the Aquarius personality. Aquarians often have a reputation for all sorts of idiosyncratic behavior and to try out guess an Aquarian may prove to be an impossible task. To try and regulate an Aquarian's behavior with repetitive jobs that require consistency generally does not work either. Aquarians should be given as much latitude as possible to exercise their imaginative powers and placed under with few restrictions as possible.

Joy is essential to the Aquarius personality. Often Aquarians are baffled and bewildered by rejection since they approach life with a basically open attitude. They can be far more accepting than others and consequently assume that others will accept them as well, which is often not the case. Furthermore, they like things to go easily. A wish for happiness and understanding pervades everything they do, but if confronted with conflict or stressful demands they can fly off the handle, go on the attack with lightning speed or simply choose to disappear.

Aquarians are promoters of high ideals valuing scientific and universal truths. They strive to maintain objectivity and for this reason are sometimes accused of coolness or lack of emotion. Because they can skate with ease across the surface of life, sizing up situations and reacting speedily, some find Aquarians too superficial in their approach. Paradoxically, Aquarians are often irresistibly attracted to those profound, darker aspects of others that seem to figure less prominently in their own personality.


Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac but the first of what could be called the more universal signs (which are Aquarius and Pisces). It is the third and last earth sign which is ruled by the fateful planet Saturn. Capricorn symbolizes the serious outlook of maturity but also an awareness of how the individual spirit relates to the Universe. Economy, a refusal to waste energy, and a careful approach to things all typify Capricorn's responsible attitudes.

Capricorns may sensibly graze for a time on the plains but will generally seek a higher vantage point on the mountains above: ambition, drive and a striving to succeed are symbolized by the aspiring attitudes. Fortunately, the ability to get to the top and stay there are characteristic of Capricorn. The fateful nature of life is sensed in this sign, but the importance of free will and assertiveness is not forgotten. Capricorn can be seen as an evolutionary stage between Sagittarius and Aquarius that transmutes philosophical, changeable and fiery energies into airy, detached and eccentric ones.

As for the Capricorn Personality, it can be compared to the need of a mature being for security and structural support, but also may be taken a hardening or crystallization of thoughts and ideas. The rulership of Saturn lends seriousness, feelings of responsibility, and a desire to limit rather than expand. Capricorns tend toward the conservative, but this does not always keep them from seeking the heights, which they often surmount in a patient and persistent manner. Capricorns do not particularly care how long it takes them to achieve their needs. They believe in working and reworking their materials slowly and carefully, and rarely give up.

Capricorns all share Saturn's sense of fatalism, which grants them a sort of acceptance very different from a joyful Aquariuan openness. Capricorn admits trial, difficulty, even suffering to be part of life's package. Perhaps Capricorns are most suspicious when things seem to easy or to be going too well. Furthermore, Capricorns will generally be accepting of the role they are to play in life but can also lack the flexibility needed to change.

Capricorns have an instinctive knowledge of power and how it works. Many must beware of a tendency toward dictatorial behavior. Other Capricorns do not specialize in telling people what to do, but how to do it, not infrequently they can demonstrate an impressive depth of knowledge to back up their statements. Generally, Capricorns give the impression that they know whereof they speak, and if they have made mistakes or headed in a wrong direction it may take persistent battering by their opponents (sometimes lasting for years) before they will admit that they were wrong, if they do at all.

7th House:

The 7th house on the astrological wheel is home of the Air sign Libra. This is characterized by relationships such as partnerships, marriage, harmony, balance in life, business cooperation, beauty, love, art, etc. Libra is ruled by Venus and Saturn and in Tarot is represented by Key 11.

Key 11
The primary question is: What are my relationship needs?
The primary attitude is: I relate, or awareness of others.

Here is accurate description my Astrology software has provided for Sun in Aquarius and 7th House:

"You are a freedom-loving, strong-willed, and independent-minded individual, and you insist upon living your own life as you see fit, even if that means ignoring convention and tradition. In personal relationships you cannot be owned or possessed, and while you are willing to share yourself with another, you do not always adjust easily to the emotional give and take of a close relationship. Though intellectually open, you can be enormously stubborn, opinionated, and inflexible on a one-to-one level. You have strong convictions and feelings about fairness and equality, and you try to live by your ideals, but your ideals about how people SHOULD treat one another don't always take into account human weaknesses, differences, and needs. You probably dislike sentimentality and traditional gender roles and "games".

You are fair, intelligent, objective, rational and often let your head rule rather than your heart. You seem rather self-sufficient and detached emotionally because you are capable of putting aside your personal feelings and viewing things dispassionately. But once you make up your mind on an issue, you are difficult to sway and can be rather dogmatic.

You think in broad terms and are concerned with the world beyond your own personal sphere - your town, nation, or even planet. You are likely to become involved in community affairs, social organizations, and groups of all kinds, or to have a keen interest in such. You enjoy being part of a group endeavor and often find yourself organizing, managing, or supervising group activities.

Forward-looking and progressive, you harbor great hopes for the future. You stay current and up to date, and respond to contemporary cultural trends, both in terms of personal style and in terms of ideas. When young you were very influenced by your peers and by group pressures and by all the "latest crazes". You have an experimental mind and are attracted by the novel.

Your strong points include your concern for human welfare and social betterment, your sense of fairness and democratic spirit, and your vision. Your faults are your stubbornness and inflexibility, and a tendency to be very obtuse and insensitive when it comes to personal feelings and human needs."

As for 7th House:

"You invest a tremendous amount of your creative energy into your relationships with others, particularly your marriage or other close partnerships. You feel you need others in order to be all that you can be, and you are disinclined to solitary activities and endeavors. Working with people on a one-to-one basis to bring about mutual understanding, harmony, and satisfaction is an area in which you can really excel. Counseling or negotiating are talents of yours."

Now I will describe the characteristics of the planetary archetypes of the Sun, Pluto, and Mars. I have chosen to omit Mercury and Venus in order to limit my discussion within this scope. My goal and focus is primarily my Sun and Pluto conjunction with Mars transit because this is a rare alignment. Mars transit is currently in Capricorn and will align with my Sun and Pluto around February 11th. This energy is no joke! There are many people who live their entire lives without this Pluto/Sun alignment. This is because Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the Sun. There are even less people who live a life with Mars/Pluto/Sun alignment.

The Sun attributions:

The Sun represents Father Archetype. The simplify the expression of this archetype, there are three levels of degrees of consciousness.

1: Inferior Level: Selfishness, Pride, Manipulation, Tyranny, Lack of Vitality.
2: Medium Level: Self-control, Will, Power of Giving, Firmness, Nobility.
3: Superior Level: Soul, Higher Consciousness, Humbleness, Responsibilty.

Mars attributions:

Mars represents Adversary Archetype.

1: Inferior Level: Aggression, Anger, Revenge, Uncontrolled Passion, Impatience, Fear.
2: Medium Level: Combative Power, Initiative, Courage, Physical Strength, Ambition, Daring.
3: Superior Level: Spiritual Dignity, Respect, Modesty, Control, Warrior Attitude, Heroism.

Pluto attributions:

Pluto represents the higher octave of Mars. The Pluto emanations could be destructive in one's life if there is a lack of understanding. To healthly express the Pluto Archetype, we must master our desires, dare to overcome our fears (Mars). If we want our actions to have spiritual efficiency, to be divinely integrated, uplifting and uniting our will with God's Will (Pluto).

In summary, I feel vitalized on this 44th Solar Return of my life. I am honored to have identified these aspects of myself that will continue to play out in my life. Qabalah, Astrology, and Tarot have been spiritual tools that helped me discover more about myself than I could have ever imagined.

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