The Key of Jakob Böhme, or the Clavis, the explanation of some principal points and expressions in his writings which include:

* How God is to be considered withouth Nature and Creature.

* A further Consideration, How this one God is Three-fold.

* Of the Eternal Word of God.

* Of the Holy Name JEHOVA.

* Of the Divine Wisdom.

* Of the Mysterium Magnum.

* Of the Center of the Eternal Nature.

* Of the Eternal Nature, and its Seven Principles.

The Seven Properties of Nature: Desire, Stirring, Anguish, Fire, Light, Understanding, and Ground are explained with their deeper meanings which is the Capacity and Power of receiving the risen Desire through variations of the Breathing Word (Breathing Power).

Furthermore, The Clavis has Thirteen Keys created by Dionysius Andreas Freher and colored by Adam McLean:

The Clavis is a nine part lecture series which is available on video site.

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