The three grades of the second order of the Rosicrucian Order are:

1: Grade of Lesser Adept
2: Grade of Greater Adept
3: Grade of Exempt Adept

In this video, I briefly describe with my understandings what I have learned about adeptship within the Rosicrucian Order.

I reference the 1979 movie Stalker in my video:


The Exempt Adept becomes a Master of Compassion with the realization that all and everyone are friends and of the same:

"Why that is what I once was! Once I felt what they do now. Once my outlook was the same as theirs. Once I was at just that degree of consciousness. Once I seemed to be restricted by the same limitations. Once I carried the heavy load of personal responsibility. Once I supposed mine to be the only true religion. Once I was eager to fight to maintain my beliefs. There I go as once I was. You are me, and I am you."

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