Now that the year 2023 is over, the time has come for everyone to focus on the year 2024. Last year, I began to build a web portal that has my studies of many aspects with Spirituality. Mostly, I focused on Tarot and Qabalah along with many esotericism books. I also attended some meetups with others who had interest in Tarot and created a few meetups on my own which can be viewed here.
I created the Cosmic Repository portal to organize all the teachings that has helped me in my spiritual studies and also to share with others. When I speak to others or share ideas in regards to Tarot, Astrology, Channelings, etc., then I wanted to have a portal for others to reference as well. This website is only a landing site with some generic information about myself and for articles I will create and post. The Cosmic Repository can be accessed here (not yet published).
Currently, Cosmic Repository is being updated weekly. I have implemented the JoyID digital wallet which will allow others to have access once their JoyID wallet has been created. Read the JoyID article (not yet published) for more information and details.
I chose to not implement the classic username and password authentication for the Cosmic Repository portal because I have researched in depth how blockchain and web3 are the evolving force of the internet. Username and password will be fading away over the coming years as digital wallets are on the rise.
Digital wallets can be viewed as complete ownership of our data, not Google, Microsoft, etc. or any other tech giant that holds all our data on their servers. Think about Gmail and how Google uses our data for whatever they choose, maybe advertising or privacy data. I'm appreciate gmail and still use their servies, but there are more options now for ownership of my credentials as I use the Internet.
Let me explain this concept in another way on why I choose digital wallets. Paypal is a service provider, a middle man for payment transactions, which will save our credit card and banking informaiton on their servers. They also collect transaction fees from the buyer and seller. This is fine and again I have appricated their services over the past decade, but now with digital wallets, I have ownership of my funds with no banking information or identity saved on Paypal servers. This is full ownership of my online identity.
In summary, just know that today is the day I published the Cosmic Repository website and look forward to the year 2024 because I have a lot of fun ideas for sharing with others. Especially with Tarot and Qabalah!
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