Ain Suph Aur: Three Veils of the Absolute (Part Three)
The First Veil and The Second Letter

The three letters Aleph and Yod and Nun of the First Veil provide hints at the nature of the potencies which human intuition ascribes to the absolutely quiescent, inactive state Life-Power.

The second letter of Ain is Yod. The Zohar declares all things are based on Yod and is the root of all Hebrew letters. Yod is the initial letter of the Great Sacred Name, YHVH, which has also been given many names used from humanity such as: Yahweh, Tetragrammaton, Jehovah, The Savior, The One Identity, The Higher Self, The One Ego, Christos, but I will primarily reference only the letters of YHVH because of the root symbolism already established.

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Ain Suph Aur (Part 3)



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